官方咨询热线:4001-666-001 国际业务免费咨询电话:010-50959845


律师 重庆
  • 执业年限:
  • 所在律所:重庆京师律师事务所
  • 执业证号:
  • E-Mail:379408807@qq.com
  • 所在地:重庆
  • 房地产建设工程、经济合同纠纷、企业法律顾问、涉外事务

戴锦东 ,中共北京市京师(重庆)律师事务所党支部书记、创始投资合伙人,主要负责房地产与建设工程法律事务部、合同纠纷事务部、企业法律顾问部及涉外法律事务部

执业经历:戴锦东律师执业多年,积累了丰富的实践工作经验。因长期、丰富的法律执业经验,坚实的法律务实能力,可信赖的人性化服务意识,以精湛的业务、高度负责的敬业精神、良好的辩护效果,在当事人、学术界、企事业单位中赢得了良好的职业信誉,具备服务于高端客户、承办重大、疑难、复杂案件的综合素质和能力。目前为止,共办理各类案件1000余件,为多家企事业单位担任常年法律顾问。 也曾多次参加社会公益和自愿者活动,代表司法系统为多个基层社区提供法律咨询、法律培训等综合服务。



Meijiang Dai, member of the Communist Party of China, the capital of Beijing city (Chongqing) lawyer, senior partner, member of Chongqing lawyers association.

Occupation experience: Meijiang Dai ,as a lawyer occupation for many years, has accumulated a wealth of practical work experience. For long and rich experience in legal practice, legal and pragmatic ability solid, reliable humanized service consciousness, with exquisite business, high spirit of responsibility, good defense effect, won a good reputation in the occupation, academia, enterprises and institutions, comprehensive quality and ability in service the high-end customers, undertake major, difficult and complicated cases. So far, handled a total of more than 1000 kinds of cases, as a number of enterprises and institutions served as legal adviser. Have participated in many social and volunteer activities, on behalf of the judicial system to provide legal advice, a number of grass-roots community legal training and other integrated services.

Specialty: main  specializes in civil litigation cases , traffic accidents,marriage and family, real estate construction project, various economic contract disputes, and civil and commercial negotiation ,contract drafting ,review,lawyer witness,the establishment of companies,enterprises,merger, mergers and acquisitions investment, transfer of shares, corporate counsel , foreign affairs and other non litigation business

Practice purpose: Responsibility is weightier than Mount Tai ;Detail decides success or failure
