1. “《香港宣言》述评”,《湖北广播电视大学学报》2006年第6期;
3. “论我国反倾销立法的几点完善”,《法制与经济》2009年第1期;
4. “特许经营中不相配与处理不当的关系”,《现代商业》2009年2月第4期;
6.“论CAFTA争端解决机制的法律探讨”,《学术论坛》2011年第3期;(CSSCI 中文核心)
7. “特许经营法律实务本科双语教学探析”,《湖北广播电视大学学报》2012年第1期;
8. “特许经营中的商标权保护”,《河北法学》2012年第3期。(CSSCI 中文核心)
9. “联合国国际贸易法委员会示范法在国际商事仲裁中的适用:以中国为视角”,《中国法学前沿》 (英文版), 2014年3月第一期,Incorporation of UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: Perspective of China, Frontiers of Law in China, Volume 9, Number 1, March 2014, Springer 出版社, 高等教育出版社;(与胡勇合作)
10. “中国特许经营中的知识产权保护”,《中国法学前沿》 (英文版),2014年12月第四期,China’s Intellectual Property protection in Franchising, Frontiers of Law in China, Volume 9, Number 4, December 2014, Springer 出版社, 高等教育出版社;
11. 博士论文(phD Thesis):“Trademark Protection in China: Obstacles and Solutions of International Brand Expansion of Multinational Companies” has been submitted to University of Macau and delivered to ProQuest for dissemination.
1.“外资在中国开展特许经营的法律风险与防范” 2011台湾国际特许经营峰会会议论文;
2. 基于ARMA模型的云南省城乡居民收入差距分析和预测(Analysis and Forecast on the Urban-Rural Income Gap of Yunnan Based on ARMA), International Core Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Index (MASS2012)in Shanghai.(与扈立家合作)
3. Franchising and Trademark Protection:Perspective of China ),2014 SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS in Bulgaria, already indexed by CPCI-SSH.
4. The Enforcement of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law and the Regulation on Restrictive Competition in Franchising,ICSSS 2015(International Conference of Social Sciences and Society 2015), Information Engineering Research Institute Advanced in Education Research (ISSN 2160-1070)), already indexed by CPCI-SSH(ISSHP) .
5. Study on Bilingual Teaching of Franchising Law in China, ICSSHE2015 (international conference on Social Science and Higher Education 2015) Atlantis Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research(ASSEHR) ISSN 2352-5398 already indexed by ISTP(CPCI)
6. The Implementation of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law and It’s Implication: a Weapon for Market Economy (Book Chapter), When East meets West China-Brazil Deliberations on Contemporary Legal Issues, PRAVA Publications 2015.
7. The Protection of Licensee’s Later Forming Goodwill in the Trademark Licensing, SSEER 2020 (2020 International Conference on Social Science, Economics and Education Research), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Atlantis Press, ISSN 2352-5398, indexed by CPCI-SSH.
8. The Theoretical Analysis of Anti-Dilution Doctrine for China’s Well-Known Trademark Protection, SSEER 2020 (2020 International Conference on Social Science, Economics and Education Research), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Atlantis Press, ISSN 2352-5398, indexed by CPCI-SSH.